
This is the first of nine mini-forms that all sword and staff students will demonstrate. As the strength of the jo in defense of the sword lies in the fact that it is about 10″ longer, students must demonstrate the ability to leverage that advantage. The advantage is the control of the space between them. Students must demonstrate how to keep the swordsman at bay regardless of grip – normal hand (honte) or reverse hand (gyakute).

One method in contolling space is knowing whether to step before striking or step while striking. In the honte-uchi basic technique, students practice the tactic of stepping before striking, while in the gyakute-uchi basic technique, students practice the tactic of stepping while striking. In the Tsukizue form, students must demonstrate the proper application of either tactic.

The Spacing Mini-Form
  • Opening Bow
  • Honte-Uchi, four strikes
  • Swap Positions
  • Gyakute-Uchi, four strikes
  • Swap Positions
  • Honte-Uchi, four strikes
  • Swap Positions
  • Gyakute-Uchi, four strikes
  • Swap Positions
  • Tsukizue
  • Finishing Bow

Swap weapons and repeat.

Three Pillars Sword and Staff